At Mayfield House Kindergarten our ethos and values revolve around the sanctity of childhood, a precious, magical and pressure free time.
Our ethos and values are based on the foundations of:

- To enable the development of each unique child.
- To enable a positive disposition to learning, the ability to be creative, to think, be independent, healthy, fit and active.
- We respect and value each child as an individual, and their right to be themselves, and to have their own opinion.
- We value the amazing journey of learning and development.
- We respect the child’s intrinsic abilities, and never under-estimate them.
- We encourage a society of mutual respect between staff, children and their families.
- We respect the child’s right to autonomy.
- Staff have a genuine love for the children in their care and greatly respect the huge responsibility we share to ensure the children’s well-being.
- We value most highly, the trust placed in us to help care for your children.
Health and Well-being
- We work holistically to meet the needs of the whole child and their family.
- Our lifestyle and ethos encourages emotional and physical well-being.
- Children are nurtured and supported in a secure and loving environment.
- Children are encouraged to be active participants and to value their own health and well-being.
- Children eat healthy food, they have adequate rest and plenty of physical exercise including outdoor activities in the fresh air.
- We work with other professionals and have regular sessions with musicians and artists.
- Starting with baby massage and baby yoga through to yoga, dance, gardening, growing food at our allotment and visits to the forest school at Elfin Wood, children are encouraged to enjoy being physically active and to understand the benefits for their health and well-being.
- Our food is natural, healthy, varied, colourful, well-balanced and delicious.
- Children are involved in the whole wonderful process: growing (both here and at our allotment), harvesting, preparing and cooking.
- We love our food and hope to instil this in our children, healthy food is a pleasure and essential to an active healthy life.
- Grow it – Dig it – Eat it – Love it!
- Click here to explore more about our food values, including a menu example.
Working with Families and Our Community
- We work in partnership with parents and families – and involve the whole family in our activities. Especially for our many celebrations throughout the year.
- Children are encouraged to understand and enjoy their part in the local community.
- Through our allotment, the work we do in partnership with the Forestry Commission on our own forest site, visits to friends with local farms, cultural visits and charity work we encourage the children to help and respect others and spread a little happiness.
- We maintain an environment of mutual respect. There is no discrimination against race, creed, gender or ability. Staff model anti-discriminatory attitudes and we celebrate cultural diversity and differences, using them to enrich our experience.
- We provide equality of experience and opportunity- not the same for all- children are treated as individuals and great care is taken to meet specific needs, learning styles and interests.
- We are inclusive; we respect children as individuals regardless of need. We will readily access outside professional help to support our practice.
- Our disciplinary boundaries reflect our belief in the human right to be safe, and to be treated with kindness and respect.
- Click here to find out more about our SEND values.
An Enabling Environment
- Our environment is carefully planned: to be safe, secure and welcoming. Incorporating challenging, encouraging involvement and facilitating independence and autonomy.
- Highest quality resources reflect our respect for the children.
- Where possible we use natural resources which encourage independent thinking.
- Our environment is dynamic – responding to the needs and interests of the individuals.
- Equal importance is placed on our outside environment which is also planned to be multi- sensory to support learning.
- We aim to facilitate periods of exploration, excitement, thinking, creativity, peace, rest and reflection.
Learning/Play and Exploration
- There is no ceiling on our expectations.
- We promote challenge without pressure.
- Through observation and evaluation children’s learning styles and interests are identified, and used to inform our creative planning.
- Learning opportunities are challenging, achievable and developmentally appropriate.
- Our learning is experiential, active and objective. Real tasks for real outcomes.
- Adults interact with the children – scaffolding – never stifling their thinking.
- We work in partnership with the children – encouraging them and genuinely appreciating and enjoying their achievements.
- Children are given TIME and space to develop at their own pace and consolidate their experiences.
- Children are able to revisit their experiences with consideration given to involvement, perseverance, learning patterns and desires.
- Children are motivated to try new things, to be interested and keen to listen and learn.
- We model the joy of learning.
- Children are encouraged to care for others and the environment.
- We promote an understanding of their place in the natural rhythm of life.
- We believe in the intrinsic right to be creative and express one’s ideas.
- We value the process of creativity and respect and value the results.
- We “nourish” the child’s need to see, hear, and experience beauty and skill in real life situations. (through visiting galleries and the natural environment, and working with artists, craftspeople and musicians).
- We encourage sensory awareness and explore, amongst many: textures, pattern, light, colour, taste, sound and the natural world.
- We believe creative expression and exploration play a large part in learning development and emotional well-being.
Finally, for more details about our ethos and values please view our About page and discover more on social media: Instagram and Facebook.